Image via WikipediaNATIONAL TREASURE 2, BOOK OF SECRETS is the second film I saw today after "THE CURIOSITY OF CHANCE". I've got the DVD few days ago and my first attempt to watch it failed miserably as I fell asleep. Tonight I was more determined and I put it on as I was having my chicken with fresh salad for dinner. The beginning is a bit slow but if your patient, like I was, it gets better. In the end I can give a high score for the sheer value of entertainment. Ok, maybe the story really doesn't makes the slightest bit of sense, including the motivation of the hero - to clear the name of his great-great-grandfather, that's why he risks his life, the life of friends and loved ones, not to speak of his own good name by kidnapping a president! And by the way, Ben as a positive role model for a Disney film, should go to jail! Let's count the offences: speeding, reckless driving, theft, trespassing, destruction of property, conspiracy to kidnap, and kidnapping. Disney thinks this is all fine since he's the "hero" after all. Thanks Disney! Probably this it's more aimed at people who really do not give a damn about story and stuff, but who just want to see a lot of movement/action, high-tech gobbledygook, explosions, and cheap patriotism. I personally liked Justin Bartha who was an uber-cutie and had some of the funny lines. To sum things up, you'll watch a classic case of sequel trying to live off the fervour of the original but had gone bad in many ways. Still entertaining thou.
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